Professor Schaefer is the author of more than 1500 scientific publications, with a large majority appearing in the Journal of Chemical Physics and the Journal of the American Chemical Society. A total of 300 scientists from 35 countries gathered in Gyeongju, Korea for a six-day conference in February, 2004 with the title “Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry: A Celebration of 1000 Papers of Professor Henry F. Schaefer III.” In May 2010, the University of California at Berkeley hosted a large international conference in Professor Schaefer’s honor, the title of the conference being “Molecular Quantum Mechanics: From Methylene to DNA and Beyond.” Professor Schaefer’s major awards include the ACS Award in Pure Chemistry; the Leo Hendrik Baekeland Award; the Schrödinger Medal; the Centenary Medal of the Royal Society of Chemistry; the ACS Award in Theoretical Chemistry; the ACS Ira Remsen Award; and the Chemical Pioneer Award of the American Institute of Chemists. He is also the recipient of the ACS Peter Debye Award. In October 2012 “The Best Schools” identified him as one of seven chemists deserving of a Nobel Prize.