What to Expect

All of our Fellowships meet regularly on or around campus and typically average around 20 students and include book studies, prayer, and a chance to catch up. In addition to our regular meetings, our communities meet several times each semester to serve their campuses and enjoy fellowship with one another.


There is no way around it – the grad life is stressful and isolating. Even more, it seems that only other grad students can understand it. This is a place for you to find community in an individualistic world, a place for support and encouragement. Our gatherings are a time to take a break from your studies and relax your mind with other Christians graduate students.

Book Studies

Whether it’s C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity or J.P. Moreland’s Love Your God With All Your Mind, our book studies are rich in content and challenging in nature. While we are champions of transformational Bible study, these studies combine philosophy and theology to approach faith from an intellectual perspective. Each semester, our Fellowships choose their own curriculum to work through and we provide the books free of charge!


Each meeting includes a time of prayer for each other and the campus community. In addition, we challenge every Christian graduate student to pray regularly for ten individuals in their lives as a service to them.