Campus Fellowship Coach

By May 4, 2018

Reporting to the CEO, the Campus Fellowship Coach will give leadership to 15 Christian Grads Fellowship groups from around the country.  The role of Fellowship Coach is comprised of two primary responsibilities: first, pastoral care for individuals and second, coaching leaders toward organizational effectiveness and goal achievement.  The position requires a high level of spiritual maturity and excellent communication skills.

  • **This is a supported position.  The the salary for the fellowship coach will be raised by asking for financial support from family, friends and churches.  Grad Resources will provide you with training in how to raise your financial support.**
  • If you currently work with a ministry and have a support based salary we have seen success in transitioning over support teams to Grad Resources.

Click here to view the full job description.

Please send cover letter explaining your spiritual background and if you are willing to raise financial support along with your resume to


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